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Project Management Institute Philippines Chapter

PMI Philippines is the official country chapter of the Project Management Institute, a global organization of project management professionals headquartered in the United States dedicated to the advancement of modern Project Management. 

PMI Philippines Chapter exists to advocate PM competency to maximize success in life and career.


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Want to attend our events?

We have hosted various chapter events, trained hundreds in our project management courses, and helped members attain the Project Management Professional credential.

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Interested to become a member?

Start today with a free PMI account.

Members of PMI get exclusive access to PMI publications and our global standards, networking options with our online communities of practice, and leadership and volunteer opportunities. You’ll also receive discounts on certification exams and renewals, as well as our professional development offerings.


Members who opt to join PMI Philippines Chapter also get the opportunity to network with peers here in the Philippines, and get discounts in attending our various technical sessions and other events.

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